Sales pipeline review helps businesses understand how their sales pipeline is performing, identify bottlenecks, and make improvements to boost sales.

However, conducting a successful sales pipeline review can be challenging. In this post, we'll provide best practices and tips for improving the sales pipeline review process and optimizing sales performance.

We'll start by discussing the importance of preparation, including defining your sales process, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and establishing a cadence for reviews. Next, we'll cover setting goals for your sales pipeline review, including determining the scope and objectives of the review, and how to communicate your goals to your team.


We'll then dive into the process of analyzing data, discuss common challenges and pain points that arise during the data analysis phase and provide tips for overcoming them.

Finally, we'll discuss how to take action based on the insights gained from the sales pipeline review, including how to prioritize improvements and how to communicate them to your team.

Preparation for the pipeline review

Before diving into a sales pipeline review, it's important to prepare yourself and your team. This involves:

  • defining your sales process,
  • identifying key performance indicators (KPIs),
  • and establishing a cadence for reviews.

Define your sales process

Define a clear and documented sales process that outlines the steps a prospect goes through to become a customer.

This process should include lead generation, qualification, discovery, proposal, and closing stages.

Identify key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are critical metrics that help you measure the performance of your sales pipeline.

Some common KPIs include the number of leads generated, conversion rates, deal size, win rate, and sales cycle length. Choose KPIs that are relevant to your business and use them to measure the success of your sales pipeline.

Related: 14 Key Metrics for Sales Pipeline Analysis (And How to Improve Them)

Establish a cadence for reviews

Establish a regular cadence for sales pipeline reviews.

This could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your sales process.

Setting goals for the pipeline review

Setting goals for your sales pipeline review is an important step in ensuring the review process is effective. The goals should include the scope and objectives of the review and how to communicate them to your team.

Determine the scope and objectives of the review

Determine the focus of the review, which could be a specific stage of the sales process or a particular set of KPIs.

Set objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Communicate your goals to your team

Communicate the goals of the review to your team to ensure everyone is aligned on the objectives and scope. This will also help ensure that your team is prepared to provide the necessary data and insights.

Analyzing data for pipeline review

Once you have collected and organized your data, it's time to analyze it to gain insights into your sales pipeline. This is where data analysis tools and techniques come into play.

Here are some of the common tools and techniques used for analyzing sales pipeline data:

Pipeline Stages Analysis

Start by analyzing your pipeline stages, their conversion rates, and the time each deal spends in each stage. This analysis can help you identify where your pipeline is weakest and where deals are getting stuck.

Win/Loss Analysis

Analyzing your win/loss rates can help you identify the factors that contribute to your success or failure in closing deals. This analysis can help you determine if you need to improve your product or service offerings, your sales messaging, or your sales process.

Deal Size Analysis

Analyzing your deal sizes can help you identify the most profitable deals and the factors that contribute to larger or smaller deals. This analysis can help you determine if you need to adjust your pricing, packaging, or product offerings.

Related: A 360° view of all your deals and accounts at BoostUp's Deal Intelligence

Velocity Analysis

Analyzing the velocity of your deals, or how long it takes to close deals, can help you identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your sales process. This analysis can help you identify where you need to improve your sales process to reduce the time it takes to close deals.

Lead Source Analysis

Analyzing your lead sources can help you identify which sources are bringing in the most qualified leads and which sources are not performing as well. This analysis can help you determine where to focus your marketing and sales efforts to generate more high-quality leads.

Once you have analyzed your data using these tools and techniques, you'll have a clearer understanding of how your sales pipeline is performing and where you need to make improvements.


Common challenges and pain points in pipeline review

While analyzing data can provide valuable insights into your sales pipeline, it can also present challenges and pain points. Here are some of the most common challenges and pain points you may encounter:

Data Quality

Poor data quality can skew your results and make it difficult to gain accurate insights. It's important to ensure that your data is accurate and up-to-date before analyzing it.

Data Overload

Analyzing large amounts of data can be overwhelming and time-consuming. It's important to prioritize the most important metrics and data points to avoid getting bogged down in irrelevant information.

Lack of Resources

Analyzing data requires time, expertise, and resources. If you don't have the necessary resources in-house, consider outsourcing or investing in tools that can help you automate the analysis process.

Limited Actionability

Analyzing data is only valuable if you can take action based on the insights gained. Make sure to prioritize insights that can be acted upon and communicate them clearly to your team to ensure that they are implemented effectively.

Taking action in pipeline review

Once you have analyzed your data and gained insights into your sales pipeline, it's time to take action. Here are some steps to help you take action based on the insights gained from your sales pipeline review:

Prioritize Improvements

Based on your analysis, identify the most pressing issues that need to be addressed in your sales pipeline. Prioritize these issues based on their potential impact on your sales performance and the resources required to address them.

Develop an Action Plan

Develop a plan for addressing the issues identified in your sales pipeline review. Make sure to clearly communicate the plan to your team and assign responsibilities for executing it.

Monitor Progress

Continuously monitor progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress toward your goals.

Communicate Results

Communicate the results of your sales pipeline review and the actions being taken to your team to ensure that everyone is aligned on the goals and objectives. This will help build a culture of transparency and accountability, which is essential for driving improvements in sales performance.

Celebrate Successes

When you make progress toward your goals, celebrate your successes with your team. This will help motivate your team to continue making improvements and to stay engaged in the process.


A successful sales pipeline review is essential for B2B businesses to optimize their sales performance. By following the best practices and tips outlined in this post, you can conduct a successful sales pipeline review that helps you gain insights into your sales pipeline, identify bottlenecks, and make improvements to boost sales.

Remember to prepare for your sales pipeline review by defining your sales process, identifying key performance indicators, and establishing a cadence for reviews. Set clear goals for your review, communicate them to your team, and use data and analytics to gain insights into your sales pipeline.

Analyze your data using various analytics tools and techniques, and address the most pressing issues identified in your review by developing an action plan and monitoring progress. Finally, communicate the results of your sales pipeline review and celebrate successes with your team to maintain engagement and motivation.

By implementing these best practices, you can conduct a successful sales pipeline review that helps you optimize your sales performance and drive revenue growth for your business.