Today, I sat down with Stephen Daniels, Director of Revenue Operations, at, a company that is transforming how brands and users interact across digital platforms. He shared one of many use cases that their team is utilizing BoostUp for. Today’s focus: “Finding Missing Contacts.” Let’s dive in.

Branch BoostUp Results

Brandon Most BoostUpBrandon, BoostUp: In a recent conversation, you told me that you are using BoostUp to find missing contacts.

Stephen Daniels BranchStephen, Branch: That’s correct. But first, let’s take a step back. We typically have a good understanding of who the right people are within our customer accounts, pre-sales.

In SFDC, we usually track who was involved in the deal, but we do not do a good job managing it after the sale closes.

In SFDC, we rely on sales hygiene, so we typically do not have all the contact information listed – just for the ones that we actively work with during pre-sales. BoostUp flags all missing contacts that might have been “cc’d” on an email or invited to a meeting. This is huge because BoostUp identifies “true” engagement as well as the accurate number of people involved in a given sales cycle, including post-sell.


Brandon, BoostUp: On the pre-sales side, you are doing a pretty good job capturing key contacts, but what about post-sales, for example, on renewals?

Stephen, Branch: That is correct. We never had a great process to capture and store all this contact information on the post-selling side of things.

This is one of many ways that BoostUp has really helped us. BoostUp can pull all contact information (name, title, email address) from Gmail, calendar invites, and more and sophistically match that against any known contact in SFDC, eliminating duplicates. From there, the goal is to push all that information into SFDC and tie those contacts to our accounts. 


Brandon, BoostUp: So how many contacts were BoostUp able to find that were not previously located in SFDC?

Stephen, Branch: BoostUp was able to secure over 100,000 contacts, 57,000 (57%) of those we previously did not have stored anywhere in a way that our teams, like customer success and marketing teams, could leverage. They were either in our teams’ Gmail accounts, calendars, or other sources.

That’s crazy when you think about it. That is 57,000 contacts that wouldn’t receive our company updates; we couldn’t target for upselling or target new business opportunities. If we didn’t do this, we could easily be missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential revenue or more.

Just by doing this one exercise in BoostUp, we over-doubled our prospect and customer base overnight. The potential we now have because we were able to secure these 57,000+ contacts is endless. It was an eye-opener to myself and the rest of the entire GTM team that includes Sales, Marketing, Business Development, and Customer Success. 


Brandon, BoostUp: So what’s next now that you have identified and secured these previously lost contacts.

Stephen, Branch: Honestly, we haven’t identified all the use cases for this information yet. As a team, we knew that BoostUp would be able to pull in new contact information that we didn’t know existed, but none of us thought it would be anywhere near 57,000 new contacts.

Our marketing team is already loading this contact information, and they are now included in our customer and prospect reach programs. With BoostUp, we were able to double our reach overnight!


Brandon, BoostUp: Thank you for taking the time to share with us this specific use case. I look forward to the next time we can chat. I know you will have another compelling use case to share with us.

Stephen, Branch: Thank you. Our sales teams love BoostUp and are highly active users. If we have a problem we want to tackle, we always think, “Can BoostUp do this – we are utilizing BoostUp as a catalyst to help solve these problems.” 


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About BoostUp

BoostUp’s contextual revenue intelligence platform enables companies to drive revenue through efficient and reliable forecasting, from new pipeline to renewals to optimize customer lifetime value. Purpose-built for digital, hybrid, and remote workforces, BoostUp automatically ingests data from dozens of digital channels and business applications. BoostUp then extracts context and sentiment from that data to increase forecasting accuracy, accelerate deals, reduce account churn, and get AI-driven guidance on pipeline gaps. For more information, please visit: