Like most analytics platforms, Salesforce Einstein for sales analytics and sales AI largely depends on the quality of data inputted by the reps in the CRM. When we think of rep inputted data, we think of it in either two scenarios: 

1. Data is not entered at all, as it is either not required or too time-consuming.
2. Data is entered, but it is either incomplete, late, or inaccurate, which results in the “garbage in, garbage out” scenario.

Simply put, the quality of Salesforce Einstein predictions is entirely dependent on how well you have trained your sales reps. If they add contacts to each opportunity on time, you get better sales data consistently and completely. But in reality, how many sales reps add every contact to each opportunity? They are likely missing contacts copied in on an email, added to a meeting invite, or contacts that they don’t believe are crucial to the deal when they first interact with them.

This manual dependency on rep behavior weakens the promise of Salesforce Einstein. That dependency on seller behavior makes Salesforce Einstein very unpredictable.

Consider these scenarios?

The seller forgets to add contacts manually. Then, Salesforce Einstein misses capturing activity for that forgotten contact and under-reports on seller activity resulting in both sales manager and rep getting frustrated.

Salesforce Einstein Disrupted Workflow

Or this one. A seller intentionally doesn’t add contact and “games” Salesforce Einstein. The Sales managers don’t know if Einstein is right or wrong. They can’t trust or act on the predictions. Again the manager is frustrated and can’t trust the data. The lack of trust in the data leads to a lack of confidence in the process and in your pipeline and leads to seller interrogation.

Relying on seller-reported data is a recipe for failure. Sales reps don’t have time to sell and update everything in the CRM, so they typically only update the most critical aspects, the most important contacts, but in a complex B2B sale, everything is essential, every contact is critical.

Enter BoostUp: Complete, automated activity capture.

BoostUp automates the process. Think of BoostUp as your data and contact sync auto-pilot. All contacts are automatically synced in real-time, tied to the right opportunity, and best of all requires no manual input for your sales reps. They can spend their time selling and trust that they will never miss a contact again.

Now imagine a post-sell scenario where customer success or account management takes over. They need that account data to be as complete as possible to ensure a healthy and seamless transition. They need to be able to see all communications that have happened and with whom. This helps them identify who to contact to nurture the account.

This type of automation (activity capture) also leads to greater trust and transparency between sales leadership, sales reps. All information is easily accessible, which means sales leadership can help coach and stop interrogating their reps. They can use their time more efficiently. Better yet, based on the engagement and activity data (or the lack thereof), BoostUp serves up a detailed “risk scoring” that helps both sales leaders and reps prioritize their time, focusing on the account that matters.

To learn more about BoostUp’s all-in-one revenue operations and revenue intelligence platform, contact us to set up a time to discuss further.

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